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AI for Business Intelligence

Modeling end-to-end guest behavior in a single-pane-of-glass

Custom-Built, Ready-Made

BluIP is committed to delivering data that allows businesses to make mission-critical business decisions without asking for it. Users can take advantage of a host of already custom-built reports.

Key Insights

Know your guests by understanding their behavior: Know who calls, when and where they called from empowers a hotelier to not only staff appropriately but also to spend marketing dollars where it counts.


Simplicity is key with the AIVA Connect™ platform. Each module is accessible through SSO, so users don’t need multiple logins or fussy downloads.

Easy to Use

Data doesn’t have to be complicated. The Business Intelligence module is designed to allow all members of a team to analyze on their own terms.

How It Works


Caller initiates interaction on website, social media, or online channel


Phone number, location, call tracking, chat details, billing collected


The caller interaction and transcription are logged and prepared for use


Caller details are passed to SPoG, CRM, CRS, PMS & other channels


Finally, the caller journey then gets analyzed and reported, from end-to-end

Use Cases:

Central Reservations

Front Desk Operations

Help Desk

Contact Centers

Internal Guest Calls

Central Operators